More Notable Signatures. Thousands of individuals have signed the position, including many renowned thinkers and leaders. Some of these signatories are listed below.
Karim Ahmed, President of the Global Children’s Health and Environment Fund; Secretary/Treasurer and Senior Staff Advisor for the National Council for Science and the Environment; past Deputy Director of Health, Environment and Development at the World Resources Institute; past Research Director and Senior Scientist at Natural Resources Defense Council.
Will Allen, Founder-in-chief and CEO of Growing Power Inc., a farm and community food center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; former professional basketball player; John D. and Katherine T. McArthur Foundation Fellow and “genius grant” recipient; named in Time magazine’s 100 World’s Most Influential People, May 2010.
Paul Arveson, Vice president at Washington Academy of Sciences; director of research at Solar Household Energy, Inc.
John Asafu-Adjaye, Professor of economics at the University of Queensland; author of Environmental Economics for Non-Economists; prolific scholar of environmental and natural resource economics.
Abhijit Banerjee, Ford Foundation International Professor of Economics at MIT; 2019 Nobel laureate (with Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer); past president of the Bureau for the Research in the Economic Analysis of Development; co-author, Good Economics for Hard Times.
Michael Baranski, Professor of biology at Catawba College; past president of the Southern Appalachian Botanical Society, Association of Southeastern Biologists, and the North Carolina Academy of Science.
Maude Barlow, Chairperson of the Council of Canadians; co-founder of the Blue Planet Project; councilor on the World Future Council; winner of the Right Livelihood Award; former Senior Advisor on Water to the United Nations; author of Blue Covenant: The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water, as well as numerous other books.
Albert Bartlett, Emeritus professor of physics at the University of Colorado; former president of the American Association of Physics Teachers; fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; author of The Essential Exponential!
John Battle, Former member of U.K. Parliament for West Leeds.
Ross Beaty, Geologist and resource company entrepreneur; founder of Pan American Silver and Lumina Copper; patron of the Beaty Biodiversity Center at UBC and founder of the Sitka Foundation.
Ed Begley, Jr., Actor and environmentalist; best known for his role as Dr. Victor Ehrlich, on the television series St. Elsewhere, and his most recent reality show about green living called Living With Ed.
Wendell Berry, Farmer; author of more than forty books; past fellow of both the Guggenheim Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation.
Brent Blackwelder, President of Friends of the Earth; founder of American Rivers.
John Bodley, Professor of anthropology at Washington State University; author of Cultural Anthropology: Tribe, State, and the Global System, Anthropology and Contemporary Human Problems, and Victims of Progress.
David Bollier, Author of The Wealth of the Commons: A World Beyond Market and State (2013); co-founder of the Commons Strategies Group; co-director of the Commons Law Project; and Senior Fellow at the Norman Lear Center at the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism.
Gary Borisy, President and Director of the Marine Biological Laboratory, recipient of the NIH Merit award and the Carl Zeiss award from the German Society for Cell Biology.
Peter Brown, Professor of natural resource sciences and geography at McGill University; author of Right Relationship: Building a Whole Earth Economy and The Commonwealth of Life: Economics for a Flourishing Earth.
Corey Bradshaw, Professor of ecology at the University of Adelaide; co-director of the Climate and Ecology Centre and the Global Ecology Group; recipient of the Australian Ecology Research Award; founder and editor of ConservationBytes blog.
Richard Brinker, Dean of the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences at Auburn University.
Bob Brown, Dean of the College of Natural Resources at North Carolina State University, and past president of The Wildlife Society.
James Brown, Professor of biology at the University of New Mexico; fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; member of the National Academy of Sciences; author of Macroecology; coauthor of Biogeography.
Lester Brown, Author or co-author of 54 books, founder of the Worldwatch Institute and the Earth Policy Institute, recipient of 25 honorary degrees, and among other recognitions recently being inducted to the Earth Hall of Fame KYOTO; it is no wonder the Washington Post calls Lester Brown, “one of the world’s most influential thinkers”.
Marvin Brown, Professor of business and organizational ethics at the University of San Francisco; author of Corporate Integrity: Rethinking Organizational Ethics and Leadership and Civilizing the Economy: A New Economics of Provision; Alumni Achievement Award from Nebraska Wesleyan University.
John Byrne, Distinguished Professor of Energy and Climate Policy and Director of the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy (CEEP) at the University of Delaware; contributing author since 1992 to Working Group III of the IPCC, which shares the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize; chairman of the board of the Foundation for Renewable Energy and Environment (FREE); cofounder and co-executive director of the Joint Institute for a Sustainable Energy and Environmental Future; founding co-chair of the Delaware Sustainable Energy Utility Oversight Board; Policy Advisor to the Environmental Forum of the Korea National Assembly; author of 17 books and over 150 research articles.
Philip Cafaro, Professor of philosophy at Colorado State University; author of The Pursuit of Virtue and Thoreau’s Living Ethics: Walden.
Robert Cahalan, Head of the Climate and Radiation Branch at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center; Fellow of the American Meteorological Society; President of the International Radiation Commission.
John Cairns, Professor of environmental biology at Virginia Tech University; emeritus director of the Center for Environmental and Hazardous Materials Studies; member of the National Academy of Sciences; author of 63 books, including Goals and Conditions for a Sustainable Planet and Handbook of Ecotoxicology.
Joe Cech, Professor of wildlife, fish, and conservation biology at the University of California, Davis; fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; member of the Copeia editorial board.
Kristián Čekovský, Deputy Minister of Culture, Slovakia; former RTVS news reporter; leading figure in Slovakian political movement OLANO.
Mark A. Chandler, Climate scientist at Columbia University and NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies; researcher on paleoclimate modeling.
Pat Choate, PhD economist and 1996 Reform Party candidate for VP of the United States; founder and Director of the Manufacturing Policy Project in Washington, DC and has authored several books; named an Arthur Barto Adams Alumni Fellow by the University of Oklahoma.
David Cobb, Presidential candidate of the Green Party of the United States in 2004; steering committee member of Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County; cofounder of the Green Institute.
John B. Cobb, Jr., Founder of the Center for Process Studies; author of Sustainability: Economics, Ecology, and Justice and The Earthist Challenge to Economism; coauthor with Herman Daly of For the Common Good.
Yves Cochet, Elected Member of the French National Assembly; former member of the European Parliament for France.
John Coulter, President of Sustainable Population Australia; former parliamentary Senate leader of the
Australian Democrats.
Jean-Michel Cousteau, President of Ocean Futures Society, known as the “Voice for the Ocean;” producer of over 80 films; recipient of the Emmy Award, Peabody Award, Environmental Hero Award, Ocean Hero Award, National Marine Sanctuaries Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award; instrumental in designation of Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument (then the largest marine protected area in the world); first person to serve as environmental diplomat at Olympic Games.
Edward Crummey, Founding executive director of the Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance; founding president of the Clean Air Foundation.
Betty Dabney, Professor of environmental health at the University of Maryland; member of the Governor’s Commission for Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities (Maryland); past employee of IBM, Dow Chemical, and CIBA.
Herman Daly, Professor of ecological economics at the University of Maryland; cofounder of the International Society for Ecological Economics; author of Beyond Growth and Steady-State Economics; coauthor of For the Common Good; recipient of the Right Livelihood Award.
Kevin Danaher, Co-founder of Global Exchange; founder and executive co-producer of the Green Festivals; executive director of the Global Citizen Center.
Guy Dauncey, Founder of the BC Sustainable Energy Association; author or co-author of ten books including Journey to the Future (2015), The Climate Challenge (2009), and Stormy Weather (2001).
John Day, Professor emeritus of ecology at Louisiana State University; coauthor of Aquatic Ecosystems and Global Climate Change.
Marie Dennis, Director, Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns; Co-President, Pax Christi International; Ambassador of Peace, Pax Christi USA, prolific author and contributing editor for Sojourners.
Richard Denniss, Executive director of the Australia Institute; coauthor of Affluenza: When Too Much Is Never Enough.
Marq de Villiers, Author of Water: the Fate of Our Most Precious Resource, which won the Governor General’s Award for Nonfiction, and Our Way Out: Principles for a Post-Apocalyptic World, among other books; Member of the Order of Canada (appointed in 2010).
Lumumba Di-Aping, Ambassador of the Republic of the Sudan to the United Nations; past chair and chief negotiator of the Group of 77.
Mark Diesendorf, Deputy Director of the Institute of Environmental Studies, UNSW Australia; Founding Director of the Institute for Sustainable Futures at the University of Technology Sydney; co-founder and vice-president of the Sustainable Energy Industries Council of Australia; co-founder and president of the original Australasian Wind Energy Association; president of the Australia New Zealand Society for Ecological Economics (ANZSEE); vice-president of Appropriate Technology for Community and Environment (APACE).
Andy Dobson, Professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at Princeton University; author of Conservation and Biodiversity; recipient of the Wildlife Trust Conservation Award; Aldo Leopold Leadership Fellow.
Mike Dombeck, Former Chief of the U.S. Forest Service; professor of global conservation at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point; recipient of the Audubon Medal and the Lady Bird Johnson Conservation Award; author of From Conquest to Conservation: Our Public Lands Legacy.
Peter Doran, Lecturer in sustainable development at Queens University Belfast; former analyst with the United Nations and legislatures in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland; founder of flagship masters program in leadership and sustainable development.
Andrew Dorward, Economic Director at the Centre for Development, Environment and Policy (CeDEP) at the School of Oriental and African Studies; Honorary Principal Research Fellow, Imperial College, London; Editor of Food Policy.
Richard Douthwaite, Cofounder of Feasta (Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability); author of The Growth Illusion and The Ecology of Money.
Holly Dressel, Author, researcher, and adjunct professor at McGill University School of the Environment; frequent collaborator with David Suzuki on film, radio programs, and books, including From Naked Ape to Super-species and Good News for a Change.
Dianne Dumanoski, Award-winning author of The End of the Long Summer; coauthor of Our Stolen Future.
Ian Dunlop, Chairman of Safe Climate Australia; director of Australia 21; deputy Convenor of the Australian Association for the Study of Peak Oil; fellow of the Centre for Policy Development; member of the Club of Rome; former senior executive of Royal Dutch Shell; chair of Australian Coal Associations (1987-88); chair of the Australian Greenhouse Office Experts Group on Emissions Trading (1998-00); CEO of Australian Institute of Company Directors (1997-01).
Gwynne Dyer, Freelance journalist, columnist, broadcaster and lecturer on international affairs; creator of the 7- part television documentary War and numerous other tv and radio programs.
Sylvia Earle, National Geographic Explorer in Residence; Chief Scientist for the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1990-1992; Time Magazine’s first “hero for the planet” in 1998; Knight in the Netherlands Order of the Golden Ark; TED Prize winner; co-founder of Deep Ocean Engineering; leader of more than 400 expeditions worldwide; author of more than 125 publications.
David Ehrenfeld, Professor of biology at Rutgers University; founding editor of Conservation Biology; author of Biological Conservation, Conserving Life on Earth, The Arrogance of Humanism, and numerous other books.
Paul Ehrlich, President of Stanford University’s Center for Conservation Biology; fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; author of The Population Bomb and The Dominant Animal.
Jane Elder, Founding director of the Biodiversity Project; former director of the Sierra Club Midwest office; recipient of the Bay Foundation Biodiversity Leadership Award.
Bob Engelman, Senior fellow and past president at the Worldwatch Institute, past Vice President of Research at Population Action International (PAI), founding secretary of the Society of Environmental Journalists, and founding member of Center for a New American Dream. Author of More: Population, Nature and What Women Want.
Doug Everingham, Medical doctor; former member of Australian Parliament; former Minister for Health.
Cate Faehrmann, Chair of Sea Shepherd Australia; Greens New South Wales member of the New South Wales Legislative Council (2011-2013); executive director of the Nature Conservation Council of NSW (2005).
Joshua Farley, Professor of community development and applied economics at the University of Vermont; fellow of the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics; board member of the U.S. Society for Ecological Economics; coauthor of Ecological Economics: Principles and Applications.
Colin Filer, Convenor of the Resource Management in Asia-Pacific (RMAP) Program; past member of the Papua New Guinea National Economic and Fiscal Commission (1983-94); past head of Social and Environmental Studies Division at the Papua New Guinea National Research Institute.
David Foster, Director of the Harvard Forest and professor of organismic and evolutionary biology at Harvard University; author of Thoreau’s Country: Journey through a Transformed Landscape.
James Gibson, Professor of sociology at California State University, Long Beach and faculty fellow at Yale University’s Center for Cultural Sociology; author of The Perfect War: Technowar in Vietnam, Warrior Dreams: Paramilitary Culture in Post-Vietnam America, and A Re-enchanted World: the Quest for a New Kinship with Nature; writer for the LA Weekly and Los Angeles Times.
Paul Gilding, Activist and social entrepreneur; former CEO of Greenpeace International, ECOS Corporation, and Easy Being Green; author of The Great Disruption.
Azeb Girmai, Country Coordinator for Environmental Development Action – Ethiopia; member of LDC Watch Secretariat.
Eberhard Goepel, Professor of social and health care at the University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg –Stendal; member of the European Regional Committee; German national coordinator of the European Master Program in Health Promotion.
Jane Goodall, World-renowned primatologist; United Nations Messenger of Peace; Commander of the Order of the British Empire; recipient of the Medal of Tanzania; member of the advisory board of BBC Wildlife magazine.
Robert Goodland, Former senior environmental advisor to the World Bank; president of the International Association for Impact Assessment; Kenneth Boulding Award winner; author of more than 20 books.
Eban Goodstein, Director of the Center for Environmental Policy at Bard College; founder of the Green House.
Network and Focus the Nation; Author of Economics and Environment, The Trade-off Myth: Fact and Fiction about Jobs and the Environment, and Fighting for Love in the Century of Extinction: How Passion and Politics Can Stop Global Warming.
Roger Gottlieb, Professor of philosophy at Worcester Polytechnic Institute; author of This Sacred Earth: Religion, Nature, Environment and A Spirituality of Resistance: Finding a Peaceful Heart and Protecting the Earth contributing editor to Tikkun Magazine.
Kenneth Gould, Professor and chair of sociology at Brooklyn College; coauthor of Environment and Society: the Enduring Conflict; Local Environmental Struggles; and The Treadmill of Production: Injustice and Unsustainability in the Global Economy.
John Gowdy, Professor of economics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; president of the International Society for Ecological Economics; author of Paradise for Sale and Limited Wants, Unlimited Means.
Jessica Graham, President of JG Global Advisory, LLC; past Senior Advisor to the U.S. State Department; author of Strengthening Enforcement and coauthor of The Leadership Challenge in the Energy Sector.
Alisa Gravitz, Executive Director of Green America; board service includes Ceres, Positive Future Network, Network for Good and People 4 Earth.
Lynn Greenwalt, Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1974-1981; past vice president of the National Wildlife Federation.
Paul Grignon, Artist; creator of Money As Debt, online animated feature about monetary systems and policies.
Victor Guadagno, Managing director of Bright Blue EcoMedia; three-time (regional) Emmy Award winner for work as a director, writer, and producer; director of operations for Vermont Patients Alliance; host of Bordertown Podcast.
Maria José Guazzelli, Agricultural engineer; founder and past president of Centro Ecologica (Brazil); co-author of Agropecuaria sem Veneno (Agriculture Without Poison).
Abbas Hachim, Director General of Economic Affairs, Union of the Comoros.
Gerhard Hafner, Former head of the Institute of European, International and Comparative Law; retired professor and former director of the Department of International Law and International Relations at the University of Vienna; member and past VP of the International Law Commission.
Jon Hall, Leader of the Global Project on Measuring the Progress of Societies at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development; former leader of similar project for Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Robert W. Hall, Professor Emeritus, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University; founding director of the Compression Institute, founding member of the Association for Manufacturing Excellence; author of Compression and The Soul of the Enterprise.
James Hansen, Adjunct Professor of Earth Sciences at Columbia University’s Earth Institute, retired as director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in April 2013; author of Storms of my Grandchildren.
Paul Hawken, Founder and executive director of the Natural Capital Institute; author of The Ecology of Commerce, Natural Capitalism, and Blessed Unrest.
Denis Hayes, National Coordinator of the first Earth Day, and expanded it to over 180 nations; President of the Bullitt Foundation; past chair of the boards of trustees of the Energy Foundation and of the American Solar Energy Society.
Richard Heinberg, Fellow of the Post Carbon Institute; author of The Party’s Over, Powerdown, The Oil Depletion Protocol, and Peak Everything.
Lars Hektoen, CEO of Cultura Bank, a Norwegian savings bank with a specific mission to promote projects with a social and ethical quality.
Hazel Henderson, Founder of Ethical Markets Media; fellow of Britain’s Royal Society of Arts; author of The Axiom and Ethical Markets: Growing the Green Economy.
Carsten Henningsen, Cofounder of Portfolio 21; chair of Progressive Investment Management.
Tim Hermach, President and founder of the Native Forest Council.
Hans Herren, President of the Millenium Institute; 1995 World Food Prize laureate; recipient of Kilby Award (1995), Brandenberger Prize (2002), and Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement (2003); member, U.S National Academy of Sciences; past director, Africa Biological Control Center.
Jack Herring, Dean of Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies at Western Washington University.
Bill Hilty, State Representative in the Minnesota House of Representatives, District 8A, where he has served since 1996 on several committees to advance energy legislation including a state renewable energy standard.
Mark Hixon, Professor of marine conservation biology at Oregon State University; honoree as the most cited American author on coral reefs; Fulbright Senior Scholar; Fellow of the Aldo Leopold Leadership Program; editorial board member of Coral Reefs, Ecology, and Ecological Monographs; chair of the Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee.
Steven Hollenhorst, Professor of protected area policy at the University of Idaho; board member of the Idaho Environmental Education Association; founder and president of the West Virginia Land Trust.
C.S. “Buzz” Holling, Emeritus eminent scholar at the University of Florida; originator of significant concepts to ecological application, including resilience theory, adaptive management, and panarchy; one of the conceptual founders of ecological economics; founding editor-in-chief of Conservation Ecology (now Ecology and Society); winner of the Volvo Environment Prize; coauthor of Panarchy and Foundations of Ecological Resilience; Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada; Officer of the Order of Canada.
David Holmgren, Co-originator of the permaculture concept.
Thomas Homer-Dixon, Chair of global systems at the Balsillie School of International Affairs in Waterloo, Canada; author of The Upside of Down, The Ingenuity Gap, and Environment, Scarcity, and Violence.
Jay Hooper, State representative in the Vermont House of Representatives; past organizer with the Vermont Public Interest Research Group.
Charles Howe, Professor Emeritus of economics at the University of Colorado (Boulder); award winner for Excellence in Research, Scholarly and Creative Work in Economics by the University of Colorado.
Roefie Hueting, Creator of the concept of Sustainable National Income; founder of the Department of Environmental Statistics at Statistics Netherlands; author of New Scarcity and Economic Growth: MoreWelfare Through Less Production.
Sharon Hrynkow, Associate director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences; elected member of the Council on Foreign Relations; recipient of the King of Norway’s Order of Merit.
Helen Ingram, Emerita professor of political science at the University of California, Irvine; coauthor of Routing the Opposition: Social Movements, Public Policy, and Democracy and Saving Water in a Desert City.
Vijavat Isarabhakdi, Appointed as Thailand’s ambassador to the United States; previously served as deputy permanent secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, and director-general of the Ministry’s Department of International Organizations and deputy permanent representative of the Thai mission to the United Nations.
Mumta Ito, Founder and CEO of Nature’s Rights (formerly the International Centre for Wholistic Law; advisor to the UN General Assembly; head of the European Citizen’s Initiative for Recognizing and Respecting the Inherent Rights of Nature.
Tim Jackson, Professor of sustainable development at the University of Surrey; director of the Research Group on Lifestyles, Values and Environment; economics commissioner to the U.K. Sustainable Development Commission; author of Prosperity Without Growth.
Wes Jackson, Founder and President of The Land Institute; author of New Roots for Agriculture and Becoming Native to This Place; MacArthur Fellow; recipient of the Right Livelihood Award.
Derrick Jensen, Environmental activist; author of Mischief in the Forest, Thought to Exist in the Wild, Endgame, The Culture of Make Believe, and A Language Older Than Words.
H. Thomas Johnson, Professor of accounting at Portland State University; author of Relevance Lost: The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting; former president of the Academy of Accounting Historians.
Ian Johnson, Secretary General, Club of Rome; former World Bank Vice President for Sustainable Development; former economist with British Government.
John Jopling, Cofounder and active member of FEASTA (Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability); coauthor of Gaian Democracies: Redefining Globalisation and People-Power and of Sharing for Survival, Restoring the Climate, the Commons and Society.
Giorgos Kallis, ICREA Research Professor at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; an ecological economist and political ecologist working on limits to growth with a Masters in environmental engineering from Imperial College, a Ph.D. in environmental policy from the University of the Aegean, and a second Masters in economics from the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics.
Eugenia Kalnay, Professor of atmospheric and oceanic science at the University of Maryland; first woman to earn a Ph.D. in meteorology from MIT; member of the National Academy of Engineering.
James Karr, Emeritus professor of fisheries and biology at the University of Washington; fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; creator of the Index of Biotic Integrity.
Judy Kepher-Gona, Founder and Director of Sustainable Travel and Tourism Agenda; executive director of Kenya Land Conservation Trust; trustee and former CEO of Basecamp Foundation; former CEO of Ecotourism Kenya; board member of Global Sustainable Tourism Council; advisory board member and former CEO of The International Ecotourism Society; director of African Fund for Endangered Wildlife.
Andrew Kimbrell, Executive director of the International Center for Technology Assessment and the Center for Food Safety; environmental attorney; author of 101 Ways to Help Save the Earth and Your Right to Know: Genetic Engineering and the Secret Changes in Your Food.
Jonathan Kingdon, Research associate at Oxford University; author of Self-Made Man, a classic on the economic and technological evolution of humans; distinguished scientist, artist, and author of numerous books on zoology, anthropology and biogeography.
David Korten, Cofounder and board chair of YES! Magazine, co-chair of the New Economy Working Group, founder and president of the Living Economies Forum, and author of When Corporations Rule the World.
Paul Krausman, Boone and Crockett Professor of Wildlife Conservation at the University of Montana; Vice-President of The Wildlife Society (2010); member of the University of Idaho Hall of Fame.
Charles Krebs, Professor emeritus of population ecology in the University of British Columbia Department of Zoology, author of Ecology: The Experimental Analysis of Distribution and Abundance.
James Howard Kunstler, Best-selling author; non-fiction includes The Geography of Nowhere, Home From Nowhere, The City in Mind, and The Long Emergency; fiction includes 11 novels including World Made By Hand, The Halloween Ball, and An Embarrassment of Riches; regular contributor to the New York Times Sunday Magazine and Op-Ed page.
Doug La Follette, Secretary of State of Wisconsin; author of The Survival Handbook: A Strategy for Saving Planet Earth.
Rex LaMore, Director of the Center for Community Economic Development at Michigan State University; Community Development Society’s Distinguished Service Award (1995); Michigan Economic Developers Association Educator of the Year Award (2008); University Distinguished Academic Specialist (2011).
Philip Lawn, Professor of ecological economics at Flinders University; author of Frontier Issues in Ecological Economics; executive editor of the International Journal of Environment, Workplace, and Employment.
Carmen Lawrence, Premier of Western Australia (1990-93); Member of Australian House of Representatives (1994-97 and 2000-02); President of the Australian Labor Party (2003); Winthrop Professor, University of Western Australia and Chair, Australian Heritage Council.
Sharachchandra Lele, Senior fellow and coordinator of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Environment and Development; coauthor of Community-Based Natural Resource Management: Issues and Cases from South Asia.
Rebecka Le Moine, Member of the Swedish Parliament, Committee on European Union Affairs; named “environmental hero” by WWF and the King of Sweden.
Annie Leonard, Creator and narrator of The Story of Stuff, the animated documentary about the life-cycle of material goods.
Joel Leventhal, Chief scientist of the Sustainable Business Group; fellow at the Bighorn Center for Leadership and Public Policy.
Karin Limburg, Associate professor of environmental and forest biology, State University of New York, Syracuse; SUNY Exemplary Researcher Award (2010); President, U.S. Society for Ecological Economics (2006-2007); Fulbright Scholar (2006).
Richard Lindroth, Professor of ecology at the University of Wisconsin; fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; Fulbright Senior Scholar.
Bruce Lourie, President of The Ivey Foundation, a director of the Ontario Power Authority, a director of the Ontario Trillium Foundation, founding executive director of the Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance, and the founding president of the Clean Air Foundation.
Peter Lynn, Professor of Research Methodology at the University of Essex; advisor to the UK Office for National Statistics; past advisor to European Central Bank.
Richard Lamm, Co-director of the Institute for Public Policy at the University of Denver; 3-term governor of Colorado.
Caroline Lucas, Member of British Parliament; former member of European Parliament; leader of the Green Party of England and Wales.
Shane Mahoney, Executive Director of Sustainable Development and Strategic Science at the Department of Environment and Conservation (Newfoundland and Labrador); founder and executive director of the Institute of Biodiversity, Ecosystem Science and Sustainability; International Liaison of The Wildlife Society.
Ben Malayang III, President of Silliman University (Philippines); Senior Fellow at the Development Academy of the Philippines; Fellow at the Strategic Studies Group, National Defense College of the Philippines; Member of the Executive Committee of the United Nations Development Programme Portfolio Programs; past Undersecretary of the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources (1993 to 1995).
Jerry Mander, Founder of the International Forum on Globalization; author of In the Absence of the Sacred: the Failure of Technology and the Survival of the Indian Nations and Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television; coauthor of Alternatives to Economic Globalization.
Michael Mann, Physicist and Climatologist, currently Director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University; lead author of the peer-reviewed paper that included the “hockey stick graph” often cited in IPCC reports and elsewhere; author of Dire Predictions: Understanding Global Warming and The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines; also a co-founder of the climatology blog RealClimate.
Maria Manuel Leitão Marques, Portuguese politician; elected in 2019 as a member of the European Parliament.
Joan Martinez-Alier, Professor of economics and economic history at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona; author of Ecological Economics: Energy, Environment and Society and The Environmentalism of the Poor: a Study of Ecological Conflicts and Valuation; past president of the International Society for Ecological Economics.
Rania Masri, Professor of environmental at the University of Balamand (Lebanon); director of the Southern Peace Research and Education Center.
Chris Matthews, Host of Hardball with Chris Matthews (MSNBC) and The Chris Matthews Show (NBC News); author of several best-sellers; regular commentator on NBC’s Today Show.
Manfred Max-Neef, Past Rector of the Universidad Austral de Chile; author of From the Outside Looking In: Experiences in Barefoot Economics and Human Scale Development; winner of the Right Livelihood Award, the Kenneth Boulding Award, and the Chilean National Prize for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights; former Chilean presidential candidate.
Peter May, Chairman of the Department of Development, Agriculture and Society at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro; executive secretary of the Brazilian Agroforestry Network; president of the International Society for Ecological Economics.
Professor Lord May of Oxford, Professor at Oxford University, Fellow of Merton College, member of the UK Government’s Climate Change Committee, former President of The Royal Society, former Chief Scientific Adviser to the UK Government and Head of the UK Office of Science and Technology, Blue Planet Prize laureate.
Ron Maxwell, Director of Civil War (New Line Cinema, 1993), Gods and Generals (Warners, 2003), and Copperhead (Swordspoint Productions, 2013). Recipient of an honorary Doctor of Letters degree from Concordia College.
Kozo Mayumi, Professor of ecological economics at the University of Tokushima; author of The Origins of Ecological Economics; coauthor of Jevons’ Paradox and the Myth of Resource Efficiency.
Bill McKibben, Global warming activist; author of The End of Nature, Deep Economy, and Eaarth (among other books); founder of
Jeffrey McNeely, Senior Science Advisor, IUCN World Headquarters; Past chief scientist, IUCN; SecretaryGeneral of the World Congress on National Parks and Protected Areas IV (Caracas 1992); author/coauthor of over 40 books.
Betty Meggers, Archaeological researcher at the Smithsonian Institution; author of Ecuador, Amazonia,Prehistoric America, and Archaeological Investigations at the Mouth of the Amazon; recipient of the Decoration of Merit from the government of Ecuador.
Juraj Mesik, Senior community foundations specialist with the World Bank; former director of the Ekopolis Foundation; former Member of Parliament in the Czechoslovak Federal Assembly; chairman of the Green Party.
Aubrey Meyer, Co-Founder of the Global Commons Institute; author of Contraction & Convergence; recipient of Schumacher Award, 2000; Honorary Fellow of Royal Institute of British Architects, 2007; UNEP FI Global Roundtable Financial Leadership Award, 2007.
Stanley A. Moberly, Former president of the American Fisheries Society; former board member of the National Wildlife Federation; recipient of the American Fisheries Society’s Distinguished Service Award.
Stephen Mumford, President of the Center for Research on Population and Security; Humanist Distinguished Service Award recipient; Margaret Mead Leadership Prize recipient; author of numerous books on population security and reproductive rights.
Charles “Ched” Myers, Founder of Sabbath economics; author of Binding the Strong Man.
Robert Nadeau, Professor of environmental science and public policy at George Mason University; author of nine books including The Wealth of Nature and The Environmental Endgame; founder of the Global Environmental Network Center (George Mason University); co-founder of Linus Computers.
N. M. Nayar, Professor emeritus of botany at Kerala University; former director of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research; author of Tuber Crops and Cucurbits.
Gerard Ndabemeye, Director General of Agricultural Planning, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Burundi. Gerald Niemi, Professor of biology at the University of Minnesota at Duluth; director of the Center for Water and the Environment at the Natural Resources Research Institute; fellow of the American Ornithologists’ Union.
N. Ninan, Professor of ecological economics at the Institute for Social and Economic Change; editor of The Economics of Biodiversity Conservation-Valuation in Tropical Forest Ecosystems.
Helena Norberg-Hodge, Director of the International Society for Ecology and Culture; Right Livelihood Award laureate; member of the International Commission on the Future of Food and Agriculture; author of Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh (translated into 42 languages).
Richard Norgaard, Professor of Energy and Resources at the University of California – Berkeley; member, National Academy of Sciences; past president, International Society for Ecological Economics; lead author, 5th Assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Boyd Norton, Wilderness photographer; Charter member and Fellow of the International League of Conservation Photographers; Founder, Fellow, and member of the Board of Directors of the North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA), and founder and Fellow of the International League of Conservation Writers; his books include The Art of Outdoor Photography and Serengeti: The Eternal Beginning.
Reed Noss, Professor of conservation biology at the University of Central Florida; fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; chief scientist of Conservation Science, Inc.; member of the board of governors of the Society for Conservation Biology; coauthor of Saving Nature’s Legacy.
Gunilla Öberg, Professor and director of the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability at the University of British Columbia; founding director of the Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research, Linköping University, Sweden; co-director of the Soil Water Environmental Laboratory (University of British Columbia).
Ron O’Dor, Professor at Dalhousie University and Chief Scientist of the Census of Marine Life; Canadian Geographic’s 2009 Environmental Scientist of the Year.
Elisabeth Odum, Professor emerita at Santa Fe Community College; coauthor with H.T. Odum of A Prosperous Way Down.
Rosemary Ommer, Member of the board of directors of Genome BC; past director of the Calgary Institute for the Humanities; past director of the Institute for Social and Economic Research at Memorial University, Newfoundland.
Ruth K. Oniang’o, Adjunct Professor at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University. Past member of Parliament and Shadow Minister for Education, in the National Assembly of Kenya. Africa Food Prize Laureate, Fortune Magazine top 30 Most Innovative Women in Food and Drink, and more.
Maggie Opondo, Senior Lecturer and Researcher at the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at the University of Nairobi.
David Orr, Professor of environmental studies at Oberlin College; author of The Last Refuge: Patriotism, Politics, and the Environment and The Nature of Design; contributing editor of Conservation Biology.
Camille Parmesan, Professor of ecology, behavior and conservation at the University of Texas; member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Timothée Parrique, Author of “The political economy of degrowth” and lead author of “Decoupling debunked – Evidence and arguments against green growth,” published by the European Environmental Bureau; Marie Curie fellow at the University of Clermont Auvergne, France and Stockholm University, Sweden.
Neil Patterson, CEO of Neil Patterson Productions; Emmy Award winner for the PBS documentary DNA: The Secret of Life; President and CEO of W.H. Freeman and Company from 1980-1984; director of W.W. Norton and Company’s College Division from 1977-1980; co-founder of Scientific American Books.
Alexandra Paul, Actress and activist; has starred in over 70 movies and television programs including the documentary Who Killed the Electric Car
Nancy Pearlman, Award-winning broadcaster, anthropologist, editor and producer; Global 500 Laureate (United Nations Environment Programme); founder of the Ecology Center of Southern California; Executive Producer and host of the three-time Emmy-nominated television series Econews.
Jules Peck, Chairman of the Bulmer Foundation; founding partner of Abundancy; developer of the ResPublica think tank; coauthor of Citizen Renaissance.
John Peet, Senior faculty member of engineering at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand; author of Energy and the Ecological Economics of Sustainability.
Sandra Pereira, Portuguese politician; elected in 2019 as a member of the European Parliament.
Renat Perelet, Research leader at the Institute for Systems Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; coauthor of Dictionary of Environmental Economics and Conflict and the Environment.
Joshua Peters, Political Director, Marion County (Indiana) Democratic Party.
Ann Pettifor, Director of Advocacy International; fellow of the New Economics Foundation; leader of the Jubilee 2000 debt relief campaign; coauthor of A Green New Deal.
William Platts, Past president of the American Fisheries Society; Masters U.S. national champion in javelin and long jump.
Jonathon Porritt, Chair of the United Kingdom Sustainable Development Commission; former director of U.K. Friends of the Earth; former chair of the Green Party; cofounder of Forum of the Future; author of Capitalism: As if the World Matters and Seeing Green.
Hugh Possingham, Professor of ecology at the University of Queensland; director of the Ecology Centre; developer of Marxan software for conservation reserve design; council member of the Australian Academy of Science.
Gary Potts, Past president of The Wildlife Society; past wildlife biologist with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.
Judy Prather, North American coordinator for the Rotarian Action Group for Population and Sustainability Development; served as Chair of the delegation of North American nongovernmental organizations at the 1992 U.N. Conference on Environment and Development in Rio.
Tony Prato, Professor of agricultural economics at the University of Missouri-Columbia; co-director of the Center for Applied Research and Environmental Systems; director of the Great Rivers Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit.
Andrew Price, Honorary Professor at York University; Fellow, Linnean Society; British Consultant of the Year Award Winner (1991).
John Proops, Professor of ecological economics at Keele University; past president of the International Society for Ecological Economics; coauthor of Ecological Economics: Concepts and Methods.
Stephen Purdey, Lecturer at the University of Toronto; author of Economic Growth, the Environment and International Relations.
Rod Quantock, Stand-up comedian; political activist; author of Double Disillusion.
Gabriel Quijandria, Peru Deputy Minister for Strategic Development of Natural Resources, Ministry of the Environment.
George Rabb, President Emeritus of the Chicago Zoological Society; past director of the Brookfield Zoo (1976- 2003); past chairman of the Species Survival Commission of IUCN (1989-1996); board member of numerous conservation organizations.
Andry Raharinomena, Director for Economic Cooperation and Aid Coordination, Ministry of Economy and Industry, Republic of Madagascar; G77 representative for Madagascar.
Ramesh Ramankutyy, Head of Corporate Operations and Financial Services at the Global Environment Facility (GEF).
Michael Raupach, Director of the Australian National University’s Climate Change Institute (2014); Inaugural cochair of the Global Carbon Project (2000-2008); contributing author of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (2007).
Kate Raworth, Senior Visiting Research Associate at Oxford University’s Environmental Change Institute, Senior associate at the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership. Author of Doughnut Economics: Seven ways to Think Like a 21st Century Economist.
William Rees, Professor of community and regional planning at the University of British Columbia; past president of the Canadian Society for Ecological Economics; co-creator of the ecological footprint concept; coauthor of Our Ecological Footprint.
Henry Regier, Professor emeritus of zoology and director of the Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Toronto; recipient of the Order of Canada; past-president of AFS; commissioner on the Great Lakes Fishery Commission; lead author of the fisheries chapter for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 1995 report.
Robert Repetto, Economist and Senior Fellow at the United Nations Foundation; professor of sustainable development at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies; vice president of the World Resources Institute; World Bank official working in Indonesia; economic advisor to the planning commission in Bangladesh; economic analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank in New York.
Arthur Riggs, Member of the California Board of Trustees of the Nature Conservancy; Director Emeritus of the Beckman Research Institute at the City of Hope National Medical Center.
Ingrid Rima, One of the first women to teach economics in the United States and the first ever to receive tenure in the Economics Department and the School of Business at Temple University; author of Development of Economic Analysis.
Barbara J. Robles, Past Principle Economist, Federal Reserve Board.
Holmes Rolston, University Distinguished Professor of philosophy at Colorado State University; author of Conserving Natural Value, Environmental Ethics, Three Big Bangs, among other books; winner of the Templeton Prize and the Mendel Medal.
Dick Roy, Co-founder and co-director of the Center for Earth Leadership; co-founder and executive director of the Northwest Earth Institute; winner of 2010 President’s Sustainability Award presented by the Oregon State Bar.
Jeanne Roy, Education director of the Center for Earth Leadership; co-founder of the Northwest Earth Institute; founder and chair of the Oregon Natural Step Network.
Douglas Rushkoff, Media theorist, writer, columnist, lecturer, graphic novelist and documentarian; author of ten books including Life, Inc.
Carl Safina, President of the Blue Ocean Institute; author of Song for the Blue Ocean (New York Times Notable Book of the Year) and numerous other publications; among Audubon Magazine’s 100 Notable
Conservationists of the 20th Century; Pew Scholar Award Winner.
Kohei Saito, Associate Professor at the Graduate School of the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences; one of the winners of 17th Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Prize for 2020; author of Marx in the Anthropocene : Towards the Idea of Degrowth Communism.
Richard Sanders, Senior policy officer at the Australian Department of Environment and Resource Management; president of Quest 2025; author of A Systems Approach to Governance for Sustainability.
Scott Russell Sanders, Distinguished professor emeritus at Indiana University; author of more than 20 books, including A Conservationist Manifesto; winner of the Lannan Literary Award, the Great Lakes Book Award, the Indiana Humanities Award, and the Mark Twain Award.
Kirsten Sanford, Neurophysiologist; originator of This Week in Science radio program; host of Dr. Kiki’s Science Hour.
Jack Santa-Barbara, Founder of the Sustainable Scale Project; former CEO of CHC-Working Well; founding president of the Canadian Evaluation Society.
Masahiro Sato, Associate Professor of Sustainable Economics at Kyoto University’s Research Center for Advanced Policy Studies, and Institute of Economic Research; Chief Director of Earth Summit 2012 Japan.
David Schindler, Killam Memorial Professor of Ecology at the University of Alberta; founder and director of the Experimental Lakes Project of the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
Allan Schnaiberg, Emeritus professor of sociology at Northwestern University; coauthor of The Treadmill of Production.
Stuart Scott, Founder of The Climate Summit, the Interfaith Declaration on Climate Change, and Climate Corps; professor of theory of knowledge, critical thinking, statistics and mathematics in Honolulu, Hawaii; former employee of Merrill Lynch and IBM.
Molly Scott Cato, Green economist; author of Green Economics: An Introduction to Theory, Policy and Practice and Market, Schmarket: Building the Post-Capitalist Economy.
John Seager, President of Population Connection.
Vandana Shiva, Director of the Research Foundation on Science, Technology, and Ecology; author of Water Wars: Pollution, Profits, and Privatization and Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge; recipient of the Right Livelihood Award.
Nova Silvy, Winner of The Wildlife Society’s 2003 Aldo Leopold Memorial Award.
Andrew Simms, Policy director of the New Economics Foundation; author of Ecological Debt: Global Warming and the Wealth of Nations; co-editor of Do Good Lives Have to Cost the Earth?; board member of The Energy Resources Institute (TERI) Europe.
Anthony Sinclair, Winner of The Wildlife Society’s 2013 Aldo Leopold Memorial Award.
Richard Slaughter, Director of Foresight International; president of the World Futures Studies Federation (2001- 2005); Foundation Professor of Foresight at the Australian Foresight Institute, Swinburne University (1999- 2004); author of Biggest Wake Up Call in History and Futures Beyond Dystopia: Creating Social Foresight.
Dick Smith, Founder of Dick Smith Electronics, Dick Smith Foods, and Australian Geographic magazine; Australian of the Year award winner (1986); Founder of the Wilberforce Award.
Patricia Sorensen, Owner of Sorensen Financial Management, and a Registered Investment Adviser in the State of Colorado.
Colin Soskolne, Professor of epidemiology at the University of Alberta; scientific and research associate of the University of Alberta Hospitals; associate editor of the American Journal of Epidemiology; lead editor of Sustaining Life on Earth: Environmental and Human Health through Global Governance.
Michael Soule, Emeritus professor of environmental studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz; cofounder and first president of the Society for Conservation Biology; founder and president of The Wildlands Project; fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; coauthor of Introductory Biology and Conservation and Evolution.
Joachim Spangenberg, Vice President of the Sustainable Europe Research Institute; member of the Executive Committee of the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility; past program director for Sustainable Societies at the Wuppertal Institute (1992-1999); past Chairman of Friends of the Earth Europe (1989-1996).
Gus Speth, Dean of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies; founder and president of the World Resources Institute; cofounder of the Natural Resources Defense Council; author of Red Sky at Morning and The Bridge at the Edge of the World; former chairman of the President’s Council on Environmental Quality; former head of the U.N. Development Program.
Sigrid Stagl, Senior Fellow of Science and Technology Policy Research at the University of Sussex; coauthor of Ecological Economics: An Introduction.
Hans Stegeman, Ph.D., Chief Economist at Triodos Bank; Group Director at Impact & Economics; columnist at Vrij Nederland; author of Can the Market Economy Deal with Sustainability?
William Steiner, Dean of the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resource Management at the University of Hawaii, Hilo Campus; former director of the Pacific Islands Ecosystems Research Center.
David Suzuki, Cofounder of the David Suzuki Foundation; host of television program The Nature of Things; author of The Sacred Balance; Companion of the Order of Canada.
Daniel Svedarsky, Past President of The Wildlife Society; winner of the The Wildlife Society’s fellows program.
Gary Tabor, Landscape ecologist and philanthropic leader; founder and Executive Director of the Center for Large Landscape Conservation.
Stanley Temple, Beers-Bascom professor emeritus in conservation at the University of Wisconsin; senior fellow and science advisor at the Aldo Leopold Foundation; fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; former president of the Society for Conservation Biology; former chairman of the Wisconsin Chapter of The Nature Conservancy.
John Terborgh, Professor of environmental science at Duke University; director of the Center for Tropical Conservation; fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; author of Requiem for Nature and Diversity and the Tropical Rainforest.
Rick Theis, Founder and board chair of the Leadership Institute for Ecology and the Economy; former executive director of the Sonoma County Grape Growers Association; founder of the Sonoma County Transportation Land-Use Coalition.
Stefan Theisen, Professor and Senior Scientist; Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute); J. Hans D. Jensen Prize winner.
Ted Trainer, Senior lecturer at the School of Social Work, University of New South Wales; founder of The Simpler Way, an organization that analyzes global problems and sustainable alternatives; author of Abandon Affluence and The Transition to a Sustainable and Just World, among other books.
Randy Udall, Director of the Community Office for Resource Efficiency (CORE); member of the board of directors of Solar Energy International and Colorado Renewable Energy Society; cofounder of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas.
Diana Ürge-Vorsatz, Director of the Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy at the Central European University, shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.
George Varughese, President of Development Alternatives; advisor to the World Bank Community Development Carbon Fund, the Global Water Partnership, UNEP Global Environment Outlook, and various ministries of the Government of India.
Arild Vatn, Professor of environmental sciences, economics, and resource management at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences; president of the European Society of Ecological Economics; author of Institutions and the Environment.
Frans Verhagen, Representative of the International Peace Research Association at the United Nations; Director of Sustainability Research and Education at Earth and Peace Education Associates International; past Earth Science Regent, NYC Board of Education; developer of Earth Community School for secondary education.
Peter Victor, Professor of economics and environmental studies at York University; advisory council member of the Royal Canadian Institute for the Advancement of Science; founding president of the Canadian Society for Ecological Economics; author of Managing without Growth: Smaller by Design, Not Disaster.
Robert Warren, Professor of wildlife ecology and management at the University of Georgia; former president of the Wildlife Society; recipient of Josiah Meigs Award for Excellence in Teaching and the Jack H. Berryman Institute’s Communication Award.
Senator Larissa Waters, Queensland’s first Greens Senator (took office in 2011).
Andrew Weaver, Professor and Canada Research Chair in climate modeling and analysis at the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria; world-renowned authority on global warming and climate change; lead author on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2nd, 3rd and 4th Scientific Assessments; corecipient of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize; author of Keeping Our Cool: Canada in a Warming World.
Raoul Weiler, President of the EU-Chapter of the Club of Rome; professor of technology and ethics at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; past president of the Royal Flemish Engineers Association.
Paula Williams, Sustainability director at the University of Alaska (Anchorage); past president of Kids Corp.
James Wilsdon, Director of the Science Policy Center at the Royal Society; director of the Atlas of Ideas project.
E.O. Wilson, Professor of biology at Harvard University; author of Sociobiology, The Ants, The Diversity of Life, Consilience, and many other books; winner of the U.S. National Medal of Science; Pulitzer Prize winner; Crafoord Prize winner; BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge award winner.
Donald Worster, Hall Distinguished Professor of History Emeritus, University of Kansas, and Distinguished Foreign Expert, Renmin University of China, Beijing; one of the founders of, and leading figures in, the field of environmental history.
Ronald Wright, Historian, novelist, and essayist; author of A Short History of Progress and A Scientific Romance.
Xiaojian (George) You, Senior Manager of China Programs at the Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise, Johnson School at Cornell University.
Mike Young, Executive Director of the Environment Institute at the University of Adelaide; member of the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists; winner of South Australian of the Year.
David Zuckerman, Lieutenant governor of Vermont; former Vermont state representative and state senator; farmer.