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90 search results for: degrowth to a steady state economy


A Post-COVID Vision: The Full and Sustainable Employment Act

by Brian Czech

If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it is that the Great God of GDP is a false god after all, impotent as Baal. The mighty American economy, with unprecedented GDP, has been knocked to its knees by one of the lowest conceivable life forms, a mere virus possessing not a single strand of DNA. Politicians who thought their legacies would be associated with “the greatest economy ever” now look like ridiculous priests of a sham religion.


New Zealand Deprioritizes Growth to Improve Health and Wellbeing

By James Magnus-Johnston

Last May, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern released a budget to improve the “wellbeing” of citizens rather than focusing on productivity and GDP growth. And, not so coincidentally, New Zealand has one of the best coronavirus outcomes of any democracy in the world. Perhaps this provides a global model to make economic health cohere with health for all life.

To improve wellbeing, Ardern emphasized goals that focus on care for people and the planet.


Planet of the Humans Puts Sacred Cows Out to Pasture

by Brian Czech

Planet of the Humans is a once-in-a-decade documentary for all concerned with the environment, the economy, and life on Earth. Directed by Jeff Gibbs and produced by Michael Moore, Planet is especially important for advancing the steady state economy. It is reminiscent of Pope Francis’ Laudato si’ in that it makes the case for a steady state economy—resoundingly—while never quite uttering the phrase “steady state economy.”

When viewing a documentary,


The Silver Lining of the COVID-Caused Recession is Supra-Economic

by Brian Czech

COVID-19 has done in a deadly way what steady-state economists would prescribe in a healthy way: putting the brakes on a runaway economy. In fact, the pandemic has slammed on the brakes and jammed the GDP gearstick into reverse. It has ushered us into a recession that will be pronounced and protracted. In a COVID-caused recession, it’s nature at bat, not the Fed.

In these dark times, any source of comfort is welcome.


Meaning and Ethics in Ecological Economics

By Haydn Washington

The True Meaning of Ecological Economics

Ecological economics has a problem: Pluralism is out of control, to the extent that “ecological economics” is starting to mean different methods, approaches, and values to different people. We need to know precisely what we mean by “ecological economics,” and to settle upon an ethical framework thereof.

The original thinkers in ecological economics, such as Herman Daly, were clear that ecological economics was an economics that operated within ecological limits.


My CASSE Internship: A Unique Experience in Unsustainable Times

By Ben Valdez

I don’t think it’s ever easy to consider being an unpaid intern right out of college. It’s something you don’t usually think about while you’re in school, at least from my experience, and it’s certainly not something you’re trained to aim for as a prospective graduate.

Before I came to the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy in September of 2019, I had spent the summer at home in the Los Angeles sun,


Press Releases


At COP15 Mrema is Wrong — Guterres is Right

CBD Secretary Mrema “doesn’t believe” there is a conflict between GDP growth and biodiversity conservation, despite the overwhelming evidence for a fundamental conflict, and despite the warning of UN Secretary General Guterres. Given that the bloating global economy is the ultimate and aggregate threat to biodiversity, Secretary Mrema should retract her “belief” or be replaced.



More Notable Signatures

More Notable Signatures. Thousands of individuals have signed the position, including many renowned thinkers and leaders. Some of these signatories are listed below.


Karim Ahmed, President of the Global Children’s Health and Environment Fund; Secretary/Treasurer and Senior Staff Advisor for the National Council for Science and the Environment; past Deputy Director of Health, Environment and Development at the World Resources Institute; past Research Director and Senior Scientist at Natural Resources Defense Council.


Calendar of Events

Guests are welcome to submit calendar entries by emailing with the subject line “Proposed Calendar Entry.” The event must have an explicit nexus to economic growth, limits to growth, degrowth, or the steady state economy. 


CASSE’s podcast, The Steady Stater with Brian Czech, is on hiatus until further notice. The current sixty-episode collection covers a range of steady-state substance with guests including:

  • Economists Kate Raworth and Timothée Parrique
  • Politicians Doug LaFollette and John Mirisch
  • Holistic scholars William Rees and Sabine O’Hara
  • Non-profit leaders Helena Norberg-Hodge and Laurel Hanscom
  • Social commentators Chris Matthews and Ray Suarez
  • Late greats Herman Daly and Richard Lamm

Stay tuned for the re-launching of the Steady Stater Podcast!


Thoughts on Pope Francis’ Laudato Si

by Herman Daly

As a Protestant Christian, my devotion to the Catholic Church has been rather minimal, based largely on respect for early church history and for the love of an aunt who was a nun. In recent times, the Catholic Church’s opposition to birth control, plus the pedophile and cover-up scandals, further alienated me. Like many others, I first viewed Pope Francis as perhaps a breath of fresh air, but little more. After reading his encyclical on environment and justice,