Step 1
Sign the CASSE position on economic growth. Join the list of outstanding sustainability thinkers such as E. O. Wilson, Jane Goodall, and David Suzuki. Signing it really does help.
Step 2
Join CASSE. Remember, CASSE is the only organization dedicated to advancing the steady state economy as a policy goal with widespread public support. Whether you keep active or not, your membership will help CASSE do the work.
Step 3
Get more information. You’ll be better prepared to advance the steady state economy and refute any wrong-headed objections:
- Read or subscribe to our email list.
- Take a look at our briefing papers.
- View CASSE’s reading list.
Step 4
Start a dialogue. It’s time to mainstream the concept of the steady state economy:
- Arrange a speaking engagement.
- Tell your family and friends.
- Question conventional economists.
- Write a letter to the editor.
- Contact a politician.
Step 5
Lead by example. As more of us choose to live as “steady staters,” enjoying fulfilling and sustainable lives, others will see the benefits and want to join us.
Step 6
Become a CASSE Outreach Volunteer. Join the network of citizens actively promoting the steady state economy and use our outreach materials.
Step 7
Make a donation. Wall Street won’t be sending funds our way anytime soon, so support for the steady state economy will have to come from citizens like you.