
A Country of Immigrants

By Herman Daly

Historically, the U.S. is undeniably a country of immigrants. But why is this uncontested fact so repeatedly emphasized? Might the unremitting celebration of immigration as a policy (as opposed to the celebration of particular immigrants as people) obscure a dark side of our immigration history?

A New Economy Will Help Save Rivers and Fisheries

Many activities that today damage rivers and fisheries would not occur in a steady state economy.

Open Borders and the Tragedy of Open Access Commons

State of denial: it’s easier to pretend that unlimited economic growth can support an unlimited population, including immigrants.

The Daly-Correa Tax: Background and Explanation

Herman Daly has an unorthodox suggestion for curtailing carbon dioxide emissions: grant more power to OPEC.

Book Review: Economics Unmasked: From Power and Greed to Compassion and the Common Good by Phillip B. Smith and Manfred Max-Neef

MIT-PhD-IMF-BMW. Although this career path may benefit specific economists, it fails to serve the common good.