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away from Mother Nature

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photo by Chuck Bartlebaugh

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Check out our newly published book!

The Age of Humachines: Big Tech and the Battle for Humanity’s Future – Michael Harvey

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The story of Brian Czech’s 17 years of government repression in response to his critique of growth


Harvey explores a hopeful alternative to technological capitalism that has birthed a fusion of humans and machines, enabled by artificial intelligence and a cultish belief in perpetual economic growth.


An American expat reflects on well being, using 39 bicycle day trips outside Paris as his springboard


A thorough exploration of the rationale for the steady state economy, by CASSE Executive Director Brian Czech


The best essays on the need for the steady state economy, selected from CASSE’s original blog, The Daly News


Reflections of a venerable architect, degrowth advocate, and futurist on the prospects for humanity


As global heating makes parts of the world uninhabitable, a privileged young man is offered a trip across the USA. He learns about environmental impacts of unfettered economic growth.