
Introducing the Sustainable Taxes Act

by David Shreve

In a world where GDP exceeds our planet’s biocapacity, we badly need new economic policy. In particular, we need to halt the process of unsustainable growth and move toward a steady state economy. The critical question is how to do this while ensuring sufficient economic opportunities, employment, and income for all.

Technological changes are insufficient, despite holding some promise. Neither the agricultural “Green Revolution” nor energy use efficiencies have markedly changed the ongoing overshoot.

Reply to Troy Vettese’s “Against Steady-State Economics” 1

by Herman Daly

Steady staters are used to being attacked by right-wing neoliberals. Attacks from left-wing neo-Marxists are new and require a reply. To put the matter simply, Marxists hate capitalism, and they mistakenly assume that steady-state economics is inherently capitalist. Vettese is a Marxist; ergo, Vettese hates steady-state economics.

To spell this out, let’s begin by giving Marx due credit for emphasizing the reality of class exploitation under all heretofore existing economic systems,

Top 10 Policies for a Steady State Economy

While we’re hunkered down enduring the inevitable collapse of the growth economy, we should consider sound policies for a sustainable economy.

Modernizing Henry George

Herman Daly elaborates on the economics of Henry George — reckoning with resources, redistributing rents, and a supplying a sane strategy for serving people and planet.