
The Story of a Steady-State Christmas Yet to Come

by James Lamont

Every year we are inundated with a mountain of content advising us on how to have a low impact or psychologically healthy Christmas, complete with the latest juicy and disturbing figures from our laughably inefficient economy. Caught in a matrix of overbearing social obligations, financial and employment pressures, and the imminent collapse of our life support systems, the proliferation of these articles is a welcome sign.

Planet of the Humans Puts Sacred Cows Out to Pasture

by Brian Czech

Planet of the Humans is a once-in-a-decade documentary for all concerned with the environment, the economy, and life on Earth. Directed by Jeff Gibbs and produced by Michael Moore, Planet is especially important for advancing the steady state economy. It is reminiscent of Pope Francis’ Laudato si’ in that it makes the case for a steady state economy—resoundingly—while never quite uttering the phrase “steady state economy.”

When viewing a documentary,

Sliding Down the Slippery Slope: A Truth Too Big for Obama

President Obama has put win-win rhetoric ahead of the truth and become the Cheerleader in Chief for economic growth.

¡Buenas noticias! ¡La recuperación económica se frena!

Traducción al Español – Dave Gardner perspectivas sobre la economía se estancó.