
The World Fertility Transition: Moving Toward a Steady-State Population

by Max Kummerow

“There’s just too many of us and no one is talking about it.”
—Biologist Patrick Benson in Meera Subramanian’s, A River Runs Again: India’s Natural World in Crisis

It is hard to imagine a growing population supporting a steady state economy. “Jobs” and higher incomes for growing numbers of people anchor the platforms of political candidates and economists worldwide.

But what about a different approach?

Crossroads on Global Infrastructure

A momentous choice is before us. Will we choose more mega-highway projects, centralized electric power plants, and mega-dams, or more decentralized wind and solar investments?

Insanity Reigns at the World Bank

Now’s the time to maintain pressure on the World Bank to avoid costly failures in constructing a 21st-century energy infrastructure.

The Daly-Correa Tax: Background and Explanation

Herman Daly has an unorthodox suggestion for curtailing carbon dioxide emissions: grant more power to OPEC.

Elitist Growth by Cheap Labor Policies

Jettisoned jobs, illegal immigration, and manic mechanization make for profoundly impractical employment policies.