These are the CASSE blog articles on religion.

Thoughts on Pope Francis’ Laudato Si

by Herman Daly

As a Protestant Christian, my devotion to the Catholic Church has been rather minimal, based largely on respect for early church history and for the love of an aunt who was a nun. In recent times, the Catholic Church’s opposition to birth control, plus the pedophile and cover-up scandals, further alienated me. Like many others, I first viewed Pope Francis as perhaps a breath of fresh air, but little more. After reading his encyclical on environment and justice,

War and Peace and the Steady State Economy

Herman Daly discusses the natural alliances between peacemakers and steady staters, and between the growth economy and warfare.

The Big Population Question and New Creation

Herman Daly doesn’t dodge tough topics or prickly problems. In this post he provides perceptive perspectives on population and a hopeful future for humanity.