These are the CASSE blog articles on the environment.

Do U.S. Election Financing Laws Force Politicians to Ignore Limits to Growth?

Brent Blackwelder explains the connection between campaign financing laws and a steady state economy.

An Economics Fit for Purpose in a Finite World

Our current economic policy goal is not fit for a finite and entropic world. But what would our economic policy goal be in a steady state economy?

Spending on Preventing Climate Wars versus Spending to Secure Sources of Oil

To avoid a fate like the Mayans in Central America and the Polynesians on Easter Island, we will need to move toward a steady state economy–with the help of social scientists and natural scientists.

Three Limits to Growth

Our economy faces a futility limit, ecological catastrophe limit, and an economic limit. Fortunately, the economic limit will likely be the first we encounter; hopefully we can implement a steady state economy before the others are reached!

Giant Mats of Green Slime in Lake Erie Signal a Need for New Economic Approaches to Pollution

What do we do when water supplies are cut off to a city of 400,000 people?

The Overlooked Anniversary: Forty Years Ago Congress and the President Called for a Steady State Economy

How should we commemorate the 40th anniversary of the ESA and the 100 year anniversary of the death of the last passenger pigeon?

Iraq and the Military-Industrial Complex versus a True Cost Economy

A switch to solar and other renewables will greatly reduce the resources devoted to waging war and help us achieve a steady state economy.

Gross Domestic Problem: Don’t Shoot the Measurement

GDP growth is creating more problems than it solves–which is exactly why we need to keep calculating and monitoring it.