These are the CASSE blog articles on the environment.
Geo-engineering or Cosmic Protectionism?
/7 Comments/in Consumption, Economic Growth, Energy, Environment, Jobs and Employment, Steady State Economy, Sustainability, The Daly News /by Brian CzechHerman Daly exposes the absurdity of geo-engineering as a solution to climate change.
Ecosystem Services: The Traveling Salesman and the Trophic Conundrum
/2 Comments/in Economic Growth, Environment, Steady State Economy, Sustainability, The Daly News /by Brian CzechValuation of ecosystem services is an important, but insufficient, step toward achieving a sustainable economy.
Why Stop at Massive Economic Growth when Infinite Growth Is within Reach?
/5 Comments/in Consumption, Economic Growth, Economic Policy, Environment, Steady State Economy, Sustainability, The Daly News /by Brian CzechDr. Mountebank urges economists, lesser scientists and all citizens to try on infinite growth for size.
What Should We Tax?
/5 Comments/in Consumption, Economic Policy, Environment, Jobs and Employment, Monetary Policy, Sustainability, The Daly News /by Brian CzechHerman Daly suggests a simple rule: tax what we want less of, not what we want more of.
Two Schools and the Path to the Steady State Economy
/10 Comments/in Consumption, Economic Growth, Environment, Steady State Economy, Technology, The Daly News /by Brian CzechConcerned about the fate of civilization? Maybe there’s some good news from an unlikely source.
Game Changer: National Wildlife Federation Adopts a Resolution on GDP
/6 Comments/in Economic Growth, Economic Policy, Environment, Steady State Economy, Sustainability, The Daly News /by Brian CzechThe National Wildlife Federation Earns the Support of the Common Sense Club.
National Wildlife Federation Adopts Key Element of Steady-State Thinking
/6 Comments/in Consumption, Economic Growth, Economic Policy, Environment, Steady State Economy, Sustainability, The Daly News /by Brian CzechStrong support for kicking GDP to the curb just got stronger.
Sir Thomas Enough: Utopia and the Steady State
/4 Comments/in Consumption, Economic Growth, Economic Policy, Environment, Jobs and Employment, Money and Investments, Population, Poverty, Steady State Economy, Sustainability, The Daly News /by Brian CzechWith his vision of Utopia, perhaps Sir Thomas More should have changed his last name to Enough.
Another Bite out of Life
/5 Comments/in Economic Growth, Environment, Steady State Economy, Sustainability, The Daly News /by Brian CzechAs the economy bloats with bigger and bigger bites taken from the biosphere, what’s the 21st century response?