These are the CASSE blog articles on the steady state economy.

Provide Organizational Endorsement

The CASSE position on economic growth was carefully crafted after years of study.  It has been endorsed by many outstanding organizations committed to developing and promoting sustainability principles.  Please fill out the form below to provide an endorsement of our position from your organization.

Read the full position statement, and take a look at our growing lists of endorsements and signatures.

*All form fields are required information (we don’t share or misuse contact information —

Posição sobre o Crescimento Económico (European Portuguese)


1) O crescimento económico, de acordo com os manuais de economia mais comuns, corresponde ao aumento da produção e consumo de bens e serviços;

2) O crescimento económico ocorre quando existe um aumento do consumo;

3) A economia global cresce como um todo integrado, consistindo dos sectores primário, secundário e terciário que necessitam de recursos materiais e energéticos e produzem resíduos;

4) O crescimento económico é geralmente medido como o aumento do produto interno bruto (PIB) ou produto nacional bruto (PNB);

La Posició davant el Creixement Econòmic (Catalan)


1) Que el creixement econòmic, tal i com es defineix en els llibres de text oficials, es un augment de la producció i del consum de bens i serveis;

2) Que quan hi ha un increment del conjunt del nombre d’habitants i del nivell de consum per càpita, d’això en resulta un creixement econòmic;

3) Que la economia global creix com un tot unificat format per sectors agrícoles,

Postura ante el Crecimiento Económico (Spanish)


1) Que el crecimiento económico, tal y como se define en los libros de texto standard de economía, es un aumento de la producción y del consumo de bienes y servicios;

2) Que cuando se incrementa el conjunto del número de habitantes y el nivel de consumo per cápita ello resulta en crecimiento económico;

3) Que la economía global crece como un todo unificado compuesto de sectores agrícolas,

Read and Sign the Position Statement


1) Economic growth, as defined in standard economics textbooks, is an increase in the production and consumption of goods and services, and;

2) Economic growth occurs when there is an increase in the multiplied product of population and per capita consumption, and;

3) The global economy grows as an integrated whole consisting of agricultural, extractive, manufacturing, and services sectors that require physical inputs and produce wastes, and;

4) Economic growth is often and generally indicated by increasing real gross domestic product (GDP) or real gross national product (GNP),

Uses of the CASSE Position


The CASSE position is a clear and concise introduction to the steady state economy as an alternative to economic growth. For many readers, the position is the first document encountered pertaining explicitly to the steady state economy.


The formality of signing a position confirms the signatory’s agreement with the content. By signing the position, the signatory is taking a stand. This engenders loyalty to the cause that may bear fruit in political choices and consumer behavior.



Signatures and Endorsements

The CASSE position on economic growth is gaining support.  Some of the brightest sustainability thinkers in the world have signed it, and numerous forward-thinking organizations have endorsed it.


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If we are going to be successful in transforming the economy from one obsessed with growth to one seeking sustainability and equity, we will need a new assortment of students, professors, and practicing economists who understand the concepts of ecological economics and the steady state economy. It’s an exciting time to be involved in the field of ecological economics. Citizens and policy makers are searching for a more logical and more hopeful economic framework as we continue to bump up against the limits to growth.