
An Economics Fit for Purpose in a Finite World

Our current economic policy goal is not fit for a finite and entropic world. But what would our economic policy goal be in a steady state economy?

Building a Movement for Happiness

Our guest post discusses some exciting initiatives to augment GDP with indicators that measure our well-being or happiness.

How on Earth: Flourishing in a Not-For-Profit World by 2050

The transition from profit-based businesses to not-for-profit enterprises offers one of the most hopeful paths to a sustainable economy.

Toward a New Bretton Woods and a Sustainable Civilization

Eric Zencey reports encouraging news from the United Nations, but he knows a sustainable economic system won’t arise without concerted effort.

Ecosystem Services: The Traveling Salesman and the Trophic Conundrum

Valuation of ecosystem services is an important, but insufficient, step toward achieving a sustainable economy.