These are the CASSE blog articles on population.

The Visible Hand: Manipulating Market Prices by Influencing Laws and Regulations

Just how efficient are are market prices when they put the future of all species, including humans, at risk?

The Outlook for Steady State Economics in 2013

Looking beyond Mayan myths, there’s a sign of good things to come in 2013 and beyond: more and more people are joing the steady state cause.

Elect More Women: Prerequisite for a Sustainable Economy

With men controlling legislative bodies, we’ve arrived at a global crisis point (both environmentally and socially). It’s time to try electing more women.

Economic Growth: The Missing Link in Environmental Journalism

Journalists are failing to connect the dots between economic growth and the most profound environmental problems.

The Populations Problem

Herman Daly offers an original take on the tired debate of “too many people vs. too much consumption” — a spot-on reframing of a critical issue.

More People, Less Unemployment?

In a shocking turn of events, politicians have said some misleading things. They have a lot to learn about the needed demographic and economic transition.

The Influence of Donella Meadows and Limits to Growth

Donella Meadows was way ahead of her time, and her words continue to provide inspiration 40 years after she wrote The Limits to Growth.