Crossroads on Global Infrastructure

A momentous choice is before us. Will we choose more mega-highway projects, centralized electric power plants, and mega-dams, or more decentralized wind and solar investments?

Peace, Love, and the Gift

If we are to degrow the economy towards a steady state, we’re going to need to be a whole lot more generous, a whole lot happier, and more grateful for what we have already.

The Guardian and Monbiot versus Forbes and Worstall

Daly explains how the conflation of growth and development, and a reliance on the Cobb-Douglass production function, can lead to the spurious conclusion that natural resources are unimportant factors of production.

The Role of Cities in Moving Toward a Sustainable Economy

What can one person do to affect positive changes for Planet Earth? Look to the city level for inspiring answers!

Use and Abuse of the “Natural Capital” Concept

Herman Daly explains how we can use prices now as tools for rationing a fixed predetermined flow of resources, rather than determining the volume of resources taken from nature, or the physical scale of the economic subsystem.

Do U.S. Election Financing Laws Force Politicians to Ignore Limits to Growth?

Brent Blackwelder explains the connection between campaign financing laws and a steady state economy.

Are We Hard-Wired to Think We Can Grow Forever?

Is there an evolutionary mechanism stopping us from living within our planetary constraints? If so, can we overcome it before it is too late?