An Open Letter to Peter Kent, Canada’s Minister of the Environment

James Johnston sees through what could only be described as a hoax by Canada’s Minister of the Environment.

Could Obama Be the First Steady-State President?

Obama probably understands the impossibility of infinite growth on a finite planet — he just needs the mandate to do something about it.

Presenting the Economic Policy of the Occupy Movement

Occupiers need to unite around a macroeconomic goal — and the right goal is a steady state economy.

How to Turn the Power of the Wall Street Protests into Real Reforms

A “repatriation holiday” would be good for well-to-do CEOs and investors, not so good for workers and taxpayers.

Book Review: 2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years by Jorgen Randers

Adaptation will mean moving from growth to a steady-state economy, one almost certainly at a smaller scale than at present.