The Infinite-Planet Approach Won’t Solve the European Debt Crisis

To fix the European debt crisis and prevent the next series of financial crises, we’d better learn the lessons of our finite planet.

An Open Letter to Peter Kent, Canada’s Minister of the Environment

James Johnston sees through what could only be described as a hoax by Canada’s Minister of the Environment.

Could Obama Be the First Steady-State President?

Obama probably understands the impossibility of infinite growth on a finite planet — he just needs the mandate to do something about it.

Presenting the Economic Policy of the Occupy Movement

Occupiers need to unite around a macroeconomic goal — and the right goal is a steady state economy.

How to Turn the Power of the Wall Street Protests into Real Reforms

A “repatriation holiday” would be good for well-to-do CEOs and investors, not so good for workers and taxpayers.