
Use and Abuse of the “Natural Capital” Concept

Herman Daly explains how we can use prices now as tools for rationing a fixed predetermined flow of resources, rather than determining the volume of resources taken from nature, or the physical scale of the economic subsystem.

Do U.S. Election Financing Laws Force Politicians to Ignore Limits to Growth?

Brent Blackwelder explains the connection between campaign financing laws and a steady state economy.

Piketty Acknowledges a Limit to Inequality–Will He Acknowledge the Limits to Growth?

We are going to need more than a wealth tax to fix our economy.

Nationalize Money, Not Banks

Banks should not be allowed to live the alchemist’s dream by creating money out of nothing and lending it at interest.

Money and the Steady State Economy

Herman Daly pulls back the curtain on money and proposes a powerful policy for positive change.