“Steady State Economy” — a Positive Vision in International Affairs
Brian Czech reflects on his experience at Rio+20, including agreement among delegates about the need for steady state economics.
These are the CASSE blog articles on consumption.
Brian Czech reflects on his experience at Rio+20, including agreement among delegates about the need for steady state economics.
Where’s the leadership we need on the economy? Without it, we’ll pay a heavy environmental price.
Thrift hasn’t disappeared; it just mutated into the endless search for cheaper stuff.
Eric Zencey reports encouraging news from the United Nations, but he knows a sustainable economic system won’t arise without concerted effort.
Herman Daly explains Frederick Soddy’s far-reaching economic insight, and he comes up with a doozy of a conclusion.
Herman Daly makes the case against using obsolete growth policies to dig out of the recession, and he issues a challenge to technological optimists.
Society has reached a tipping point where further economic growth is causing serious health problems.
Of course, it’s better to be rich than poor, but the conventional approaches for making us rich — GDP growth and free trade — no longer apply.
Garrett Hardin seems to have made the some incorrect assumptions about human behavior — assumptions familiar to students of economics.
Count Chocula and the people who give him a voice are working off an untested assumption.