These are the CASSE blog articles on the environment.

Obama’s Top Priority Will Intensify Environmental and Social Crises

A top priority of doing “everything we can to grow our economy” will worsen climate change, biodiversity loss, water shortages, and pollution.

Book Review: The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and the Economic Dissolution of the West by Paul Craig Roberts

It’s rare to find a Wall Street Journal columnist (and a Ronald Reagan appointee) calling for a steady-state economy.

Enough Is Enough (Excerpt)

If want to feel hopeful about solving the world’s most profound environmental and social problems, you can look to the wisdom of “enough.”

What Kind of Economy Says OK to Tar Sands Oil?

The short answer: an economy that allows corporations to externalize costs and trump the rights of indigenous people.

Sliding Down the Slippery Slope: A Truth Too Big for Obama

President Obama has put win-win rhetoric ahead of the truth and become the Cheerleader in Chief for economic growth.

The Top Three Actions to Fix the Economy

The typical prescriptions for fixing the economy won’t cut it — it’s time to consider some better options.

Today’s Irrational Policies Increase the Costs of Tomorrow’s Storms

Congress appears to be trying to maximize the costs of future coastal storms. What could lawmakers do differently?

Enough: The Central Concept in Economics

In his foreword to the book, Enough Is Enough, Herman Daly contemplates the role of sufficiency in obtaining “the good life.”

The Visible Hand: Manipulating Market Prices by Influencing Laws and Regulations

Just how efficient are are market prices when they put the future of all species, including humans, at risk?

The Outlook for Steady State Economics in 2013

Looking beyond Mayan myths, there’s a sign of good things to come in 2013 and beyond: more and more people are joing the steady state cause.