These are the CASSE blog articles on population.

Spending on Preventing Climate Wars versus Spending to Secure Sources of Oil

To avoid a fate like the Mayans in Central America and the Polynesians on Easter Island, we will need to move toward a steady state economy–with the help of social scientists and natural scientists.

Cold War Leftovers

Daly challenges the assertion that a steady-state economy is inherently capitalistic and must be instead be based on a socialist system.

How Studying in Asia Made Me See the Need for a Steady State Economy

Asian nations are running a dangerous experiment on the long-term consequences of short-term economic growth.

Voluntary Simplicity and the Steady-State Economy

People who live simply and mindfully set the example for the good life in a steady state economy.

Top 10 Policies for a Steady State Economy

While we’re hunkered down enduring the inevitable collapse of the growth economy, we should consider sound policies for a sustainable economy.

Open Borders and the Tragedy of Open Access Commons

State of denial: it’s easier to pretend that unlimited economic growth can support an unlimited population, including immigrants.