These are the CASSE blog articles on the steady state economy.

Bring Back Hank Paulson — On One Condition

He’s not the ideal, but if appointed Fed Chair, Hank Paulson might actually consider the environmental effects of Fed policies.

The Fracking of “The Limits to Growth”

The contradictions in an oilman’s life offer insights into the complexities that come with confronting the limits to growth.

Entropia: Life Beyond Industrial Civilisation

If you’re curious about what life might be like in a steady state economy, Sam Alexander’s Entropia offers some intriguing ideas.

Water Wars on the Way in Absence of a Steady State

A sustainable economy has to be powered by sustainable energy systems — we need to work on a parallel transition.

Steady Statesmanship Goes Global

A window of opportunity has opened at the United Nations: it’s time to promote the steady state economy around the globe.

Do We Need a Steady State Economy? One Politician’s Surprising Answer

An interview with a refreshingly astute politician: Andrew Weaver, climate scientist and first Green member of British Columbia’s legislature.

Supply Shock: The Journey

Writing a book can be a harrowing voyage, especially if you’re paddling upstream against the flood-stage current of conventional economic thinking.

The Lurking Inconsistency

Herman Daly suggests that changing the economy will require more than new policies; it’ll require a substantial change in worldview.

Three Glimmers of Hope for an Economic Transformation

Brent Blackwelder sees three possibilities (granted they’re long-shots) for overcoming the obstacles to an economic paradigm shift.

Obama’s Top Priority Will Intensify Environmental and Social Crises

A top priority of doing “everything we can to grow our economy” will worsen climate change, biodiversity loss, water shortages, and pollution.