Storage Nation
Is there a more surreal industry than self storage when viewed from the steady-state perspective?
Is there a more surreal industry than self storage when viewed from the steady-state perspective?
Good and bads, wealth and illth — economic growth produces them all. But how big are the bads and how damaging is the illth?
Adaptation will mean moving from growth to a steady-state economy, one almost certainly at a smaller scale than at present.
The World Bank and other proponents of growth need to prove that growth is actually “economic” instead of “uneconomic.”
Jettisoned jobs, illegal immigration, and manic mechanization make for profoundly impractical employment policies.
Herman Daly swims upstream like a salmon, fighting the flow of fallacious philosophy from growth economists — you won’t want to miss his final refrain on this one.
Herman Daly elaborates on the economics of Henry George — reckoning with resources, redistributing rents, and a supplying a sane strategy for serving people and planet.
What do armaments, Cadillacs and manned space stunts have to do with a green economy? Nothing!
The assumption that a bigger economy must always make us richer is pure confusion.