These are the CASSE blog articles on consumption.

Growth and Free Trade: Brain-Dead Dogmas Still Kicking Hard

Of course, it’s better to be rich than poor, but the conventional approaches for making us rich — GDP growth and free trade — no longer apply.

The Fallacy of the Tragedy of the Commons

Garrett Hardin seems to have made the some incorrect assumptions about human behavior — assumptions familiar to students of economics.

Technological Progress for Dummies, Part II

Brian Czech explains the nuts and bolts of technological progress and why it won’t solve the dilemma of growth.

There’s Hope for a New Economy in the New Year

Brent Blackwelder believes 2012 will be the year we break free from the “global suicide pact” of continuous growth.

An Open Letter to Peter Kent, Canada’s Minister of the Environment

James Johnston sees through what could only be described as a hoax by Canada’s Minister of the Environment.